A few weeks back I took my vacation from work.  I decided my job was such a stress that it would be good for me to goto the Middle East and take pictures assisting a friend of mine.  Don't ask what the hell is wrong with me, the list is long and well distinguisted.   I worked in Boston on a Tuesday, drove to Providence that night, got on a train to NYC.  Spent the night there only to get up and get on a plane from JFK to Heathrow.  From the lovely UK we then flew to Bahrain.  Every been to the Middle East?  Well, I had never either till this trip, so all was a new experience for me.

Welcome to the middle of a geographic area you just don't really want to be in.  In all honesty, Bahrain is about as western as the Middle East can get.  It is much like Dubai, up and coming, Crazy Buildings everywhere, Prostitution, very little booze, women not allowed to show their faces, all that.  Lets just say if you took Western life and removed all the fun, then you have normal life in the Middle East.  (I am not trying to offend anyone, just telling what I saw and perceived).

Typical Site to see.  Nothing clean, pollution everywhere.

Dudes chilling, shoes optional.

Lets have a pay-phone out front and while we are at it, lets reel them in with free popcorn.  Sweet!  I am not eating that shit.

In the US we have Bling fucking Bling, pinky ring 22" spinners on our shit. Out there they have Blah Blah deserrt Cammo. Dig it.

They are investing a lot in their infrastructure, here you can see their money going to good use.  This dude is just chilling.

New shit going up.  Pretty sick, about 600' tall.  On the middle spans between the two towers there will be windmills.  Kinda strange concept, I mean these people pay shit for gas and all have American cars that have V8s, shit us idiot American fucks can't even afford to drive to the soccer fields and pick up the kids in.  Explain that to me please.  "Let's go green, when we are the last people in the world that need to"  They are the only ones than can afford to have windmills, thanks to our need for gas.  I won't lie, I have an M3 that I get 16 miles to the gallon in, a Monster Van that I get 8 miles to the gallon in and 2 Ducati's that run on race gas at $26 smackers a gallon,  You are welcome you Bahraini fucks.

Bahrain has a sick F1 race track. Wish I had one of my bikes. Doesn't this look like the Denver Airport?

Ever seen an F1 car go past you at 170+? MOMMY!

Don't ask me.


As most of you are wondering, most devout Arabs will pray 5 times a day.  In cases when your in your hotel room and don't know what direction it is to Mecca, don't worry because they have little pointers for you.   Churches should do this, but instead of a direction they should just have an unnumbered swiss bank account for you to pay into.

Tomorrow we get on a plane and fly to the Flagship of the US Aircraft carriers, The USS John C. Stennis. Good times mate..